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Stable rooms are ready at Aggersvold Gods
We have just finished rebuilding the Stable at Aggersvold Gods. 19 new rooms will therefore be opened to guests. The rooms are large and spacious with stylish, Nordic decor, as well as a new, exclusive meeting room. We will now continue remodelling the reception, which is located at one end of the Stable.
Leasing of Kobbelvænget's homes has begun
We are letting out the 361 new rental properties in Brønshøj from today. It is Home Sydhavnen & Projektsalg that will be responsible for the letting, which includes a total of 170 Micro Living homes, 167 apartments with two to five rooms and 24 terraced houses.
Occupancy is expected from mid-2023. Learn more at Kobbelvæ
Aggersvold Gods is being renovated with more hotel rooms
We have started remodeling two existing buildings on Aggersvold Gods. The Stables and the Riding Hall will be converted into more hotel rooms. The entire conversion is carried out with great respect for Aggersvold's entire building system and history. The total room capacity ends at 92 rooms and is expected to be completed in mid-2023.
Topping-out ceremony in Brønshøj
The 14th of June was the date of our topping-out ceremony in Brønshøj for the parties involved in the construction of the 361 sustainable project homes. In keeping with tradition, craftsmen, builders, architects and technicians were invited to the celebration of the construction of walls and roofs.
In other words, the construction is hereby established and is still progressing according to plan.
361 new homes are underway
Byggeriet i Brønshøj går planmæssigt fremad. Dags dato er vi i fuld gang med etablering af råhuset, det vil sige selve monteringen af betonelementerne, hvilket forventes færdigt til sommer. Derudover er vinduerne i gang med at blive sat i, og opmuring af bygningerne er også i gang.
The construction in Brønshøj is progressing according to plan. To date, we are establishing the carcass, ie the installation of the concrete elements, which is expected to be completed this summer. In addition, the windows are being installed, and the brick construction is also underway.
Purchase of Rygaards Allé 7-11
We have purchased the property on Rygaards Allé 7-11 per January 1, 2022, the old Match Factory. The property was purchased for the purpose of project development for housing.