Read our latest news on this page. If you cannot find the information that you are looking for, you are always welcome to contact us. Find our contact information here.
Purchase of Sauntesvej 13
By 1st of February 2021, we have acquired the property at Sauntesvej 13 in Gentofte which is rented as commercial leases at takeover. The property was purchased for development purposes.
Purchase of 5 properties
DFE has purchased 5 properties with takeover on 15 March 2021. All five properties have Danske Bank as a tenant. The properties are located at Brogade 3 in Køge, Stengade 55 in Helsingør, Lyngby Hovedgade 25, Bagsværd Hovedgade 150 (image) and Algade 1 by Stændertorvet in Roskilde.
Sale of commercial property at Pakkerivej 6, Valby
We have sold Pakkerivej 6, Montagehallen Nord: Søjlehallen, to Statens & Kommunernes Indkøbscentral. We are responsible for the turnkey contract and will deliver it as a turn-key job on 1 August 2021.
Topping-out ceremony in Valby
We thank you for a pleasant topping-out ceremony in Valby on 10 September 2020. Our latest construction of block C2, Snedkerhuset, is in full swing, and we look forward to completing it during 2021.
Construction of 125 new homes underway
In the summer of 2020, we started the construction of 125 new homes under the name Snedkerhuset ("The house of the carpenter"). The building is part of Valby Maskinfabrik. Read more here.
Sale of Pakkerihuset / Allé Huset II
As per 1 July 2020, we have sold Pakkerihuset / Allé Huset II at Valby Maskinfabrik. The property contains 61 homes and 2 commercial leases, which at the moment is leased to Netto. We have sold the property to COBO IX Holding ApS as a company transaction.