Read our latest news on this page. If you cannot find the information that you are looking for, you are always welcome to contact us. Find our contact information here.
Sale of Rentemestervej 78
Per July 1 2020, DFE has sold the property on Rentemestervej 78 to Ejendomsselskabet Rentemestervej ApS. There are 16 apartments in the property.
Handling of the corona virus (COVID-19)
DFE takes the current situation with coronavirus (COVID-19) very seriously and naturally takes the necessary actions according to the authorities.
Our office hotels are open as usual. We have added extra cleaning and encourage all tenants to follow government regulations. Many people choose to work from home. We have had a fire in a private office in Valby, which is why we encourage you to remove the plugs from your appliances in your private offices before going home.
If you have any questions about our handling of the situation, you can call us at +45 39 29 56 56 within normal business hours or send us an email at
Sale of remaining owner-occupied flats in Kvistgård
As per 1 February 2020, we have sold the 35 remaining owner-occupied flats on Lergravsvej in Kvistgård to FORE Kvistgårdhusene ApS. Future administration will be handled by Bjørnsholm Real Estate Administration.
New tenant at Frederikssundsvej 272
As per March 1, 2020 we welcome our new tenant in Brønshøj, Sengespecialisten, a store with beds and bed fittings. Sengespecialisten opens at our lease on the corner of Frederikssundsvej and Kobbelvænget.
Sale of garages
As per January 1, 2020, we have sold 131 garages located in Greater Copenhagen and some in Odense. The garages are sold to Andi Ejendomme A/S.
We still have parking spaces for rent in Valby and at Frederiksberg, including in parking basements.
Sale of rights to build in Kvistgård
We have sold our rights to build at Lergravsvej in Kvistgård for a total of 52 homes. The buyer is a newly founded company, Kvistgård Husene ApS. The project is currently being offered via LivingHomes.